Thursday, November 29, 2012

Restraint and seclusion gains national media attention

Death at School: Parents Protest Dangerous Discipline for Autistic, Disabled Kids
Nightline - By (@brianross) , ANGELA M. HILL and (@mattmosk)
Nov. 29, 2012
Please click on the link below to view Nightline news video.
abc World news with Diane Sawyer - aired 11/29/2012
Death at School: Child Restraints Spark Controversy

Please click on the link to view part of the news video.

A news story about abusive restraint and seclusion practices in schools aired on Nightline, an ABC News program. During the story, the narrator pointed out that only a few states have laws that regulate the use of restraint and seclusion. The story is a potent reminder about why The Arc supports S. 2020 and HR.1381, the Keeping All Students Safe Act.