Solitary Confinement Worsens Psychiatric Symptoms and Causes Extreme Suffering. The damaging effects of solitary confinement on juveniles whose brains are still developing can be permanent. Section=Issue_Spotlights&template=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=140995
Locked Away: Students Say Seclusion Doesn’t Help Section=Issue_Spotlights&template=/ContentManagement/ContentDisplay.cfm&ContentID=140995
Locked Away: Students Say Seclusion Doesn’t Help
08/06/2012 By Ida
Ohio students
are regularly taken out of class and put into separate rooms, known as seclusion
rooms. Educators and
special needs advocates alike agree that these rooms should only be used when a
child is in danger of hurting themselves or others around them, but an
investigation by StateImpact Ohio and The Columbus Dispatch found that schools
often use these rooms as a form of discipline.
Please click on the link to read the full article.